feijoa, lychee and mango cocktail

How tropical does this sound? It’s such a shame feijoa season is so far away from this sultry summertime weather we’re having right now in Australia. This would go down a treat. Recipe by Amanda Laird at the New Zealand Herald. FEIJOA, LYCHEE AND MANGO COCKTAIL Serves 4 Ingredients 1 mango, peeled and stone removed,Continue reading “feijoa, lychee and mango cocktail”

feijoa daiquiri

Gorgeous culinary delights abound on this foodie blog by Pease Pudding, written by a “Northern English Lass” now living in New Zealand. This is a real treasure trove of recipes, well worth a serious browse, for a variety of delectable sweets, gluten free alternatives and amazingly light and healthy food. I just love it! AndContinue reading “feijoa daiquiri”

feijoa dancer (cocktail)

The Feijoa Dancer is a cocktail local to Auckland bars and nightclubs. It is reported to be invented in 2005 by Paul Dodd. Serve as a long drink over ice. FEIJOA DANCER (COCKTAIL) Ingredients 2 parts Feijoa Vodka available from http://www.42below.com 1 part Apple Sourz 2 parts Southern Comfort 4 parts lemonade 4 parts Red Bull MethodContinue reading “feijoa dancer (cocktail)”

odessa (cocktail)

This recipe for a Russian sounding cocktail comes from a website run by Penryn Orchard, a small four-and-a-half-acre family operation based in Placer Country, California. They included this interesting observation about feijoas: The other day, inspiration struck as I had just gathered an armload of pineapple guavas. I came up with a new drink IContinue reading “odessa (cocktail)”