feijoa’s debut on My Kitchen Rules

Just a quick round of applause from me for the Kiwi contestants Simon and Meg on My Kitchen Rules (on Australia’s Channel 7). Tonight they featured a few good old Kiwi flavours in their menu – whitebait, watercress, snapper and feijoa. Of course, I wasn’t really paying attention until they mentioned the feijoa and apple crumble.Continue reading “feijoa’s debut on My Kitchen Rules”

feijoa, ginger & almond crumble

Well, temperatures have certainly dropped here and the relatives in New Zealand have the fires going already, so it’s crumble weather as far as I am concerned. This recipe really appeals with its combination of sweet feijoa, spicy ginger and crunchy almonds. It is created by my favourite feijoa chef, Amanda Laird, for the the New ZealandContinue reading “feijoa, ginger & almond crumble”

feijoa and raisin crumble

This recipe is by Martin Bosely and also appears in The Listener archives online. The page features a number of different crumbles and the mighty feijoa is in very good company with rhubarb and quince, and pear and ginger with chocolate. How good is autumn’s bounty? FEIJOA AND RAISIN CRUMBLE Serves 4 Crumble topping 150g softContinue reading “feijoa and raisin crumble”

four fruit crumble

Here’s another excellent crumble from Julie Biuso, from her website A Feast for the Senses. This one combines feijoas, rhubarb, banana and apple in an aromatic and crunchy delight. She swears the leftovers are great for a decadent breakfast. Note that Julie Biuso’s website defaults to US measurements but it’s just a click to the metricContinue reading “four fruit crumble”

feijoa and banana crumble

In her wonderful ‘Recipe Stash’ located online at A Feast for the Senses, Julie Biuso has this delicious sounding crumble that combines sweet banana and fragrant feijoa. A bonus for American cooks hooked on the taste of ‘pineapple guava’ is that Biuso’s site transforms this recipe from metric to US measurements with just a click. FEIJOAContinue reading “feijoa and banana crumble”

low-sugar feijoa and apple crumble

This recipe comes from Facebook and is one of those gorgeously vague recipes that is obviously so familiar to the baker but leaves someone new to the recipe with many questions about quantities, temperatures and times. I’d say a little trial and error may be involved but I include it as a low-sugar option isContinue reading “low-sugar feijoa and apple crumble”

feijoa nut crumble (g/f)

Wild Health Food is a website created by Roger and Anna Wilde of Nelson, New Zealand. I am increasingly interested in gluten free and healthy eating options, and they have a wide range of recipes here that reflect their commitment to good health. There’s a newsletter and a cookbook… and this wonderful crumble which featuresContinue reading “feijoa nut crumble (g/f)”