feijoa, ginger & coconut loaf

New Zealand feijoas are in the shops here in Queensland but the price is simply too high for me to be cooking… they remain luscious and slightly guilty treats, because of the designer price tags. But I know a lot of you in New Zealand have what I dream of… which is bucket loads of feijoas. Here isContinue reading “feijoa, ginger & coconut loaf”

feijoa & pine nut tart

This sounds like something I would instantly order if I came across it in a cafe… I’ve not ever tried pine nuts paired with feijoas but the humble feijoa is so versatile a flavour that I can imagine it would work beautifully. The original recipe comes from Bevan and Monique Smith of Riverstone Kitchen inContinue reading “feijoa & pine nut tart”

a couple of feijoa competitions for the kiwis

The Kiwis do feijoa season so well but I have to admit that this year there seems to be invigorated efforts from marketers and promoters to get the fruit out there. Secret things I can’t tell you about, as well. All very exciting if you live in Kiwiland! Win! A feijoa bambina tree and DaltonsContinue reading “a couple of feijoa competitions for the kiwis”

fruit rhymes: feijoa

Well here is some feijoa deliciousness created just for children. A wee poem about our favourite fruit, on a site called Fruit for Kids: A tiny avocado? No, I’m not!I’m a feijoa and I grow where it’s hot.Pineapple guava is my other name.South America, New Zealand is whence I came.I’m soft and sweet; eat meContinue reading “fruit rhymes: feijoa”

feijoa & lime meringue pie

This delicious sounding meringue-topped feijoa pie comes from a very beautiful hand stitched publication, The Hungry Girls Cookbook. Three talented friends Rachel Pitts, Leah Holscher and Katherine Bird have combined their talents in writing, cooking, photography and illustration to create books that are definitely works of art rather than run of the mill publications. IfContinue reading “feijoa & lime meringue pie”

feijoa salsa with prawns & roasted tomatoes

Tastes of the sea, roasted vine-ripened tomatoes and the tangy-fruity blend of chilli and feijoa and mango… another magical blend of flavours from Amanda Laird of the New Zealand Herald… I really can’t wait to see what she is doing with feijoa this season. FEIJOA SALSA WITH PRAWNS & ROASTED TOMATOES Serves 4 Ingredients 1Continue reading “feijoa salsa with prawns & roasted tomatoes”

feijoa & rosewater custard pie

Really, it feels a little like it’s been raining since November… but these past few days it has also gotten chilly here as well. Custard weather. I was looking up something else and found this delightful sounding pie… the photo has got me dreaming of those chilled autumn evenings with a little pie for afters.Continue reading “feijoa & rosewater custard pie”