low-sugar feijoa and apple crumble

This recipe comes from Facebook and is one of those gorgeously vague recipes that is obviously so familiar to the baker but leaves someone new to the recipe with many questions about quantities, temperatures and times.

I’d say a little trial and error may be involved but I include it as a low-sugar option is always good to have.



  • feijoas
  • apples
  • butter (or some kind of vegetable oil)
  • raisins or sultanas
  • rolled oats
  • brown sugar (not much if you are using raisins for the sweetness)
  • coconut


  1. Peel, chop apples. Dig out insides of feijoas. Place in oven dish.
  2. In blender put melted butter and brown sugar, raisins and tiny amount of coconut. Raisins should blend into the other ingredients.
  3. Then add rolled oats into blender. Enough to make the doughy mixture a crumbly mixture. But careful not to break up the oats too much.
  4. Bake until golden

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