four fruit crumble

Here’s another excellent crumble from Julie Biuso, from her website A Feast for the Senses. This one combines feijoas, rhubarb, banana and apple in an aromatic and crunchy delight. She swears the leftovers are great for a decadent breakfast. Note that Julie Biuso’s website defaults to US measurements but it’s just a click to the metricContinue reading “four fruit crumble”

feijoa and banana crumble

In her wonderful ‘Recipe Stash’ located online at A Feast for the Senses, Julie Biuso has this delicious sounding crumble that combines sweet banana and fragrant feijoa. A bonus for American cooks hooked on the taste of ‘pineapple guava’ is that Biuso’s site transforms this recipe from metric to US measurements with just a click. FEIJOAContinue reading “feijoa and banana crumble”