feijoa champagne

If you  have feijoa juice left over from other recipes, you can make your own home made “champagne”. The recipe comes from the lovely team at Millstream Gardens Blog, which contains a wealth of gardening, herbal, health and food information. This reminds me of the home made ginger beer my mother would make and keep inContinue reading “feijoa champagne”

feijoa, lychee and mango cocktail

How tropical does this sound? It’s such a shame feijoa season is so far away from this sultry summertime weather we’re having right now in Australia. This would go down a treat. Recipe by Amanda Laird at the New Zealand Herald. FEIJOA, LYCHEE AND MANGO COCKTAIL Serves 4 Ingredients 1 mango, peeled and stone removed,Continue reading “feijoa, lychee and mango cocktail”

feijoa daiquiri

Gorgeous culinary delights abound on this foodie blog by Pease Pudding, written by a “Northern English Lass” now living in New Zealand. This is a real treasure trove of recipes, well worth a serious browse, for a variety of delectable sweets, gluten free alternatives and amazingly light and healthy food. I just love it! AndContinue reading “feijoa daiquiri”

feijoa dancer (cocktail)

The Feijoa Dancer is a cocktail local to Auckland bars and nightclubs. It is reported to be invented in 2005 by Paul Dodd. Serve as a long drink over ice. FEIJOA DANCER (COCKTAIL) Ingredients 2 parts Feijoa Vodka available from http://www.42below.com 1 part Apple Sourz 2 parts Southern Comfort 4 parts lemonade 4 parts Red Bull MethodContinue reading “feijoa dancer (cocktail)”

odessa (cocktail)

This recipe for a Russian sounding cocktail comes from a website run by Penryn Orchard, a small four-and-a-half-acre family operation based in Placer Country, California. They included this interesting observation about feijoas: The other day, inspiration struck as I had just gathered an armload of pineapple guavas. I came up with a new drink IContinue reading “odessa (cocktail)”