vanilla feijoa compote

This recipe is great for when you have too many feijoas and you want to preserve them for use all year round (but in all honesty no-one really expects them to last that long).

This recipe was found at New Zealand Cuisine.



  • 35-40 feijoas
  • 3 cups caster sugar
  • 750ml water
  • 1 vanilla pod split in half lengthwise
  • 1 stick of cinnamon
  • 1 large piece of dried orange peel (optional)


  1. Place all the ingredients except the feijoas in a large pot and bring to the boil.
  2. With a sharp knife remove the skin of the feijoas. Place them into the sugar syrup and allow the mixture to come to the boil again.
  3. Remove from the heat.
  4. The fruit can then be bottled in jars that have been sterilised in the oven for at least 30 minutes at 120°C (don’t forget the lids). Conversely, the fruit can be stored in the refrigerator (after allowing them to cool first) and they last weeks.

2 thoughts on “vanilla feijoa compote

  1. This was the only time in our married life my husband helped himself to more fruit, cooked and uncooked. With the abundance of liquid from the compote I made into jelly by dissolving 1 tab gelatine powder to 2 cups sieved liquid. I also used feijoa shells from other recipes like muffins which wanted the very inner part only and put them in the extra syrup to make more compote, so there was no waste and everything I made was delicious. I kept making more compote to freeze after I heard my husbands comments. I also measured out excess sieved liquid to freeze for jellies later, as it has a true feijoa intense flavour so didn’t want to waste it. After picking 28 kilos of feijoa and doing different recipes I realized how we have under estimated this fruit, and after throwing away the peels I then discovered a paste recipe I could have made to intensify the flavour, so no waste with this fruit.

    1. Love your approach to squeezing out every inch of flavour and creating no waste across a number of recipes. Hope others read this.

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