apple, feijoa & maple pie

Chelsea Winter is a popular food columnist in New Zealand’s Woman’s Day magazine. She recently appeared on TV1’s Good Morning show with this spiced maple-sweetened pie that has winter comfort written all over it. CHELSEA WINTER’S APPLE, FEIJOA & MAPLE PIE Serves 6Preparation 15 minutesCooking 35 minutes Ingredients 75g butter 1½ teaspoons cinnamon 1 teaspoonContinue reading “apple, feijoa & maple pie”

feijoa, for a good cause

My sister-in-law and I have been giggling over this, so I have to share it: a Conjoined Feijoa (affectionately known as Farr-joa) up for auction on New Zealand’s buy and sell site, Trade Me. As I write, bidding is currently at $30 and the reserve has been met. I don’t have a name for the seller but thisContinue reading “feijoa, for a good cause”

feijoa, ginger & coconut loaf

New Zealand feijoas are in the shops here in Queensland but the price is simply too high for me to be cooking… they remain luscious and slightly guilty treats, because of the designer price tags. But I know a lot of you in New Zealand have what I dream of… which is bucket loads of feijoas. Here isContinue reading “feijoa, ginger & coconut loaf”