toffeed feijoas

Mmm. I not much of a toffee apple fan but I think I could easily convert to toffeed feijoas. So simple, the kids could make it (being careful of the hot cook top, of course). The recipe originates in the forums of Stack of Recipes.



  • 10 feijoas
  • 1 cup white sugar
  • 3-4 tablespoons water (enough to cover the sugar)


  1. Peel the feijoas with a vege peeler. If you leave a slight hint of green you get a combination of sweet and sour, whereas the more skin you remove the sweeter the feijoas will taste.
  2. Combine the sugar and water.
  3. Bring to boil without stirring and when it changes to a light-medium caramel colour remove from heat and dip the feijoas (the author suggests using toothpicks).

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