feijoa sorbet

Andrew Emery from Cuisine Magazine has a favourite feijoa sorbet which is made with an ice cream machine. He suggests that if you find your sorbet is too hard and icy, increase the amount of sugar slightly. If it’s too soft, decrease the amount of sugar the next time you make it as the sugar levels in the fruit affect the texture. He also recommends doubling the recipe if you have a large capacity ice cream machine.



  • 200g caster sugar
  • 375ml water
  • juice of ½ a lemon
  • 125ml feijoa puree that has been strained
  • 1 egg white beaten to soft peak


  1. Bring the sugar and water to the boil then remove from the heat and allow to cool slightly.
  2. Add the feijoa puree and lemon juice and fold in the egg white.
  3. Place into the ice cream machine and churn freeze.
  4. When frozen, place into a clean container and freeze.

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